Before you go, will you pledge your support for bereaved military children? It's FREE and takes less than a minute. Take the Scotty's Pledge today.

Take The Scotty's Pledge

Join thousands who have already pledged their support for bereaved military children.

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Buy tickets to Scotty's Ball 2025 here

Take the Scotty's Pledge

Hundreds of bereaved military children and young people aren’t getting the support they need. Military charity, Scotty’s Little Soldiers, is calling on you to pledge your support for the children of our heroes. Scotty’s currently provide bereavement support for 670+ military children and young people, but we are on a mission to be supporting 1,000 bereaved British Forces children annually by 2030.

We need your help

There’s one thing you can do to make a difference right now – and it’s completely FREE! Take the Scotty’s Pledge to support bereaved military children. Thousands have already registered their support for our mission, will you? 

Take The Pledge

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The Scotty's Pledge

We want every bereaved forces child to have:

Access to the very best emotional health and well-being support

Outstanding development opportunities

The chance to smile again

Why your support matters:


people have already pledged their support


children & young people supported by Scotty's in 2024


1:1 support sessions provided so far this year (May 2024)

Service Breakdown (2023)

Cause of Death Breakdown (2023)

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