“This year marks a decade since Tom was taken from us, and we wanted to mark it by organising challenges that we knew he’d love and that everyone who loved him could get involved in”
10 challenges for 10 years
A Forces wife’s tribute to her fallen husband, as she marks the 10th anniversary of his death

Tom, Emylie, Christopher and Oliver
22nd December 2021, marks 10 years since Armed Forces widow and mother of two, Emylie Jennings, received the news every military wife dreads. Her husband, and father to her two children, Captain Tomasz (Tom) Jennings, had been killed while on tour in Afghanistan. Their sons, Christopher and Oliver, were just three years and 19 months old at the time.

Captain Tomasz (Tom) Jennings
This year, to mark the 10th anniversary of Tom’s death, and to help raise money for two charities which have been an incredible support to her boys, Emylie has decided to organise 10 fundraising events and challenges.
The fundraising events will all take place on different dates throughout the year and will help raise vital funds for Scotty’s Little Soldiers, a charity which has offered integral support to Christopher (13) and Oliver (11), over the last seven years and the Special Boat Service Association (SBSA).
To ensure family and friends of all ages can join in and pay their tribute to Tom, Emylie has organised a variety events, which all culminate in a virtual auction to be held on 22nd December, the official anniversary of the day Tom was killed.
Emylie said:
“This year marks 10 years since Tom was taken from us, and the boys and I wanted to mark it by organising a number of events and challenges that we knew Tom would love and that everyone who loved him could get involved in. Tom was such an outgoing guy, he loved being active, he loved being around his family, so the challenges we’ve selected are all things we know he have would loved doing.”
Emylie kick started her fundraising efforts in May by tackling the start of the Jurassic Coast Challenge, a 100km walk across the iconic Dorset Coast. Christopher and Oliver also joined in by completing a junior triathlon challenge, alongside their friends.
To mark Tom’s birthday on 13th June, Emylie, Christopher and Oliver, along with family and friends took part in a 2km mud run, something Tom would have loved to have done.
Emylie said:

Christopher and Oliver after completing the junior triathlon
“Because it’s Tom’s birthday we wanted to do something fun that everyone could get involved in. Normally to mark Tom’s birthday we’d host a BBQ, so this was just another way for us to pay tribute.”
The other events and challenges Emylie has arranged over the next eight months are, a badminton fundraiser, which Christopher will be taking part in, a backflip challenge, inspired by Oliver, a climb up Mount Snowdon, an indoor sky dive for the boys, the Great South Run and a 100 day alcohol and chocolate free challenge which Emylie will start in September and finish on the 22nd December.
Emylie added:
“I wanted the boys to have a big input into the challenges we’re doing, Christopher really wanted to do the badminton challenge and Oliver was so excited about a backflip challenge, so we’ve organised it just for them. I also really wanted to push myself, the Jurassic Coast Challenge and the Great South Run will really push me out of my comfort zone. And I decided on the 100 day alcohol and chocolate free challenge as Tom was tee-total when I met him and will be something I can finish on his official anniversary just before we host the virtual auction.”
As well as marking Tom’s anniversary, Emylie wanted to organise these events and challenges to help give back to two charities which have been a pillar of support to her, Christopher and Oliver over the last few years. Scotty’s Little Soldiers being one of them.
Scotty’s Little Soldiers supports hundreds of children and young people, like Christopher and Oliver, who have experienced the death of a parent who served in the Armed Forces. The boys joined the charity in 2014 and over the years have had the opportunity to meet other children in similar circumstances and received support when they needed it the most.
Emylie said:
“Scotty’s has just been fantastic, having somewhere to turn when the boys have needed help or just someone to talk to has meant the world. I'm so grateful for the fact that Scotty’s always acknowledges and understands our loss. They ease the stress for the boys every year at Remembrance, on the anniversary of my husband's death, and on their birthdays and at Christmas by giving them something to smile about. They have helped to reduce the negative impacts of losing our hero and both me and the boys really wanted to something to give back.”
Scotty’s Little Soldiers was set up in 2010 by war widow Nikki Scott. The charity offers integral support to children and young people who have experienced the death of a parent who served in the Armed Forces.
Nikki saw the devastating impact the death of her husband, Corporal Lee Scott, in 2009 had on their two young children and wanted to help others in the same situation.
The charity is currently providing assistance to hundreds of bereaved Forces children and young people around the UK and services offered include guidance to parents and carers, access to professional child bereavement support, personal education and learning assistance (including grants) and fun activities such as holiday respite breaks and group events. These are all designed to remind the children and young people supported by Scotty’s that they are not alone.
Nikki said:
“This is such an incredible thing Emylie, Christopher and Oliver are doing, and it really does mean the world to us. This year is such a poignant year for the family but turning it in to something so positive is such a great way for the entire family and for Tom’s friends to pay their respects. Every penny raised is so important, the number of members we support continues to grow, which means now more than ever we need more funds to help deliver a high level of support to bereaved Forces children and young people. No child should feel alone in their grief, and the support we provide to our members helps remind them that they are not alone.”