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The Fridge Hiker returns, and this time he’s hiking even further to raise money for bereaved Armed Forces children


“I’m doing it for the children, thinking of the little ones is what will keep me going.”

The legendary Fridge Hiker, aka Matthew Bamber, is set to return this weekend to tackle a mammoth 24-hour fridge hike, and this time he’s going even further than he’s done before to help raise money for a charity that supports children and young people who have experienced the death of a parent who served in the Armed Forces.

The 46-year-old dad from Bedfordshire, will be taking on the Peak District Ultra Challenge on Saturday (3rd July) to raise money for bereaved Armed Forces children’s charity, Scotty’s Little Soldiers. He’ll be walking a total of 100km in 24 hours, further than any of his previous challenges, complete with a four stone fridge strapped to his back.

Matthew started his fridge hiking obsession just over six years ago. He said:

“It was one of those crazy ideas you have while sat in the garden having a beer. At the time, I had been watching the Invictus Games and was so inspired by the Forces men and women taking part that I thought, I want to do something challenging to help the Armed Forces community.
“What a lot of people don’t know is that a soldier’s backpack weighs the same as a fridge, but because all you see is a backpack you don’t necessarily realise how heavy it is. These men and women walk miles and go in to battle while wearing these backpacks, so carrying something just as heavy for 100km is nothing compared to what they have to endure.”

After having to cancel last year’s challenge due to Covid restrictions, this year Matthew is hiking for Scotty Little Soldiers, a charity which struck a chord with him since he became a dad to his daughter Sophie just over four years ago.

Matthew said:

“I have so much respect for Scotty’s Little Soldiers. Now that I am a dad myself, it feels so much closer to home. My daughter is only 4 and a half years old, and I can’t imagine what the children supported by Scotty’s have been through. It breaks my heart to think of them growing up without their mum or dad.”

And it’s the children that Matthew says will get him through. “I’m doing it for the children, thinking of those little ones is what will keep me going” he said.

To show Matthew just how much they appreciate what he is doing, and to keep him motivated throughout the challenge, a number of Scotty’s members have sent Matthew messages of support, which he will carry with him.

A few of the messages Matthew received include:

“Matthew, it’s such a fantastic thing to do for us. Thank you so much for doing this crazy challenge for all of us in Scotty’s Little Soldiers. Keep safe.”
“Wow you’re crazy. Thank you for doing this for us. Keep going.”
“Man that fridge is heavy… I bet your back will be a lot stronger when you finish.. good luck and smash it.”

Matthew said: “The messages of support from the members have been amazing, I feel that emotional reading them I can’t get through them all. They are all incredible children who have been through so much, and I’m hoping that the money I raise will make a big difference.”

Matthew’s goal is to raise over £5,000 for the charity and he’s already half way there. Matthew’s employer, Cox Automotive, donated £1,500 to his challenge at the beginning of the year, and he’s hoping his friends, family and the general public will help him reach his goal.

“I want to raise funds so that bereaved Forces children and young people, who have been through so much, will never feel alone and that Scotty’s can continue to give them the help and support they need, as well as bringing smiles to their faces with amazing events like the Christmas party.”

Scotty’s Little Soldiers, which was set up in 2010 by war widow Nikki Scott, offers integral support to children and young people who have experienced the death of a parent who served in the Armed Forces.

Nikki saw the devastating impact the death of her husband, Corporal Lee Scott, in 2009 had on their two young children and wanted to help others in the same situation.

The charity is currently providing assistance to hundreds of bereaved Forces children and young people around the UK and services offered include guidance to parents and carers, access to professional child bereavement support, personal education and learning assistance (including grants) and fun activities such as holiday respite breaks and group events. These are all designed to remind the children and young people supported by Scotty’s that they are not alone.

Nikki said:

“Matthew is such an inspiration, and I can’t thank him enough for what he’s putting himself through to help raise money for Scotty’s. I know he’s raised a lot of money for Forces charities over the years, and I’m honoured he’s chosen Scotty’s for his challenge this year. It’s such a brave thing to do and I hope the messages from our members will help him through. Every penny Matthew raises means we can continue to deliver a high level of support to bereaved Forces children and young people across the country at times when they need it the most.”

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