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Hero of the Month: CSgt Aaron Winter (1974-2013)


Colour Sergeant Aaron Winter was the ultimate gentle giant. Standing at six-foot-six, he was a proud father, loyal husband, competitive boxing coach and dedicated soldier in the Royal Marines. Affectionately known as ‘Tiny’ by friends and colleagues, Aaron joined the Marines in 1997 and served for 17 years, over which time he completed tours of Northern Ireland, Afghanistan and Iraq.

On Friday 6th of December 2013, Aaron left the family home to go to the gym at 40 Commando. Tragically, he suffered an unexpected heart attack and never returned home. He was 39 years old. His daughter, Ava, was about to turn two.

CSgt Aaron Winter with his daughter, Ava

“He was a larger-than-life person who made a positive impact on everyone lucky enough to come into contact with him,” says Aaron’s wife, Laura. “This was certainly displayed on the 19th of December 2013, when over 600 people attended his funeral – every seat was taken, people were congregated in the aisles, there was even a crowd outside the church. He was just an incredibly popular guy. He could tell a story or a joke like nobody I've ever known, and he was always very straight with people. If he disagreed with you on something, he wouldn’t fall out with you over it, he’d just tell you he didn’t agree. He was a very easy character to be around.”

Aaron had wanted to join the military since childhood. He first told his mother he wanted to become a Royal Marine when he was nine years old and went on to lead a distinguished career, earning the Long Service and Good Conduct Medal, as well as the Queen’s Golden and Diamond Jubilee medals.

Aaron and Ava on a hike together

In addition to his campaign medals, Aaron was the CTCRM (Commando Training Centre Royal Marines) boxing heavyweight champion, as well as one of the facility’s coaches.

“He was built for boxing. Being as tall as he was, you can imagine his reach. He took it up when he was at university and became part of the Royal Marine boxing league shortly after joining.”

After Aaron’s death, the ‘Tiny Winter Trophy’ was created in his honour, and each year is given to the boxer who has showed the most development and tenacity. Once a year the Royal Marines hold a boxing evening, where the boxers from 40, 42, 45 Commando and CTC battle against each other. It’s here that Aaron's trophy is awarded.

Aaron helping Ava walk

Boxing wasn’t the only way Aaron stayed active. Being a Royal Marine, he took his fitness and nutrition seriously. When Ava was born, the family spent lots of time ‘yomping’ over the Quantock hills in Somerset, near their home, and Aaron would take as many opportunities for adventure as he could. One such opportunity arrived shortly before he and Laura were set to marry – climbing Mount Everest.

“He said to me one day, ‘so I've got an opportunity to go climb Everest’. I said, ‘okay, love, when are you going?’ He said, ‘a few weeks before we get married, is that alright?’ He was part of a team supporting people with physical and mental disabilities, helping them reach Everest base camp. He totally epitomised the Commando spirit of courage, determination, and cheerfulness in the face of adversity.”

Aaron and Ava on a 'yomp'

A few years later, in 2008, another opportunity arose – Aaron and Laura were invited to attend a BBQ at Downing Street with Prime Minister David Cameron and US President Barack Obama.

“When Barack and David passed our table, I caught their attention and we introduced ourselves. When they saw Aaron, Barack turned to David and said, ‘Wow, I’m so pleased that the US and UK are allies. Knowing that Tiny is on our team makes me feel safe and very proud.’ They then questioned Aaron on his career and genuinely thanked him for his service. David Cameron personally wrote to me in the initial period of Aaron’s passing, to express his condolences.”

Aaron and Laura at Downing Street with President Barack Obama and Prime Minister David Cameron

Of all Aaron’s stories and achievements, however, one thing stood head and shoulders above the rest:

“Becoming a dad was the absolute making of him. Fatherhood eclipsed anything that he had ever experienced before. He was totally besotted with Ava and Ava with him.”

Ava is now 10 years old, and the similarities between her and her father become clearer every day.

"Facially, she’s her father’s double, and she’s already five-foot-three. We’ve missed some major growing stages. We went straight from baby clothes to 3-year-old stuff! I also see him in the way she approaches things. She’s not the loudest kid, not the brashest kid, but once she’s comfortable she’ll always get stuck in. She’s not the first to put her hand up, but she doesn't fade into the background either. That’s very much like her dad. She’s an old soul on young shoulders.”

Aaron holding Ava

Despite dying when she was young, Aaron remains an extremely important presence in Ava’s life. She has a photo collage of him on the wall beside her bed and is asking more and more questions about him as she gets older.

“She’ll ask about his medals and what they’re for, or bring up something I’ve told her previously, like how her dad used to throw her in the swimming pool and I'd be scared she would go into orbit. We have an open dialogue. Although, sometimes it can be heartbreaking, like when she recently told me she can't remember what her dad’s voice sounds like, or that she’s not sure if she remembers him herself, or if she’s recalling stories she has been told.”

Aaron has a tree of remembrance at RM Norton Manor at 40 Commando and a room within the Sgts Mess at CTC, which has been dedicated to him and is now known as The Tiny Room, which Ava and her mum are allowed to visit whenever they want. At home, Aaron's collection of military photos and accolades are displayed:

“We keep all of Aaron’s military photos, medals and statues he was given over the years in our downstairs bathroom. It’s there so that when our friends come over, everyone sees it.”

Ava beside her dad's tree of remembrance

Ava and her mum recently attended the Trooping the Colour event with Scotty’s Little Soldiers for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, where they were able to experience the once-in-a-generation celebrations from the front row.

“It was incredible,” says Laura. “To be a part of history and see it all happening from the ground was an absolute honour. Even Ava recognised how special it was and said, ‘this won’t happen again, will it mum?” It was great for Ava to have a little part in history like that, especially with our family’s military background and everything her dad did.”

Aaron teaching Ava to swim

Ava joined Scotty’s in 2015 and has been supported by the charity ever since, benefitting from Scotty Breaks, and events like Scotty’s Remembrance Parade. She has also attended a number of Christmas parties, where she’s met hundreds of bereaved military children who understand what she’s been through. 

“We don’t go to every party as it lands so close to the anniversary of when Aaron died, but when we do, we absolutely love them. Ava’s favourite Christmas party was the one in London, when we were sent on a hunt to locate the Crown Jewels. It was completely magical. The level of thought that went into it was incredible.” Laura continues: “It’s great that the kids get to have so much fun, but it’s also reassuring to be a parent and know that the boy or girl next to them understands how they feel. When you go to these events, people get it. I don’t know how you improve on perfection, but Scotty’s does.”

Ava with other Scotty Members at our 2019 Christmas party

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