Hero of the month…Corporal Kris O’Neill 1980 - 2007
The thought of having twins never once crossed Corporal Kris O’Neill’s mind, yet when he and his wife, Tina, found out just over 18 years ago that they would be having twin boys, they were over the moon. Life was complete. But Kris’s time with his boys was tragically cut short. He only got to spend three precious years with them before he died.
At the age of 27, Kris was killed while on patrol in Basra, Iraq. His twin boys, Connor and Adam, were just three years old at the time.

Corporal Kris O’Neill
Since 2013, the boys have been supported by Scotty’s Little Soldiers, the charity for bereaved Forces children and young people. This month Scotty’s is paying tribute to Connor and Adam’s father and hero, who died serving his country.
Although he only had a few years with his sons, Kris was absolutely devoted to his children. Kris’s wife, Tina explained: “Kris loved being a dad. When I first found out I was pregnant, Kris was on his first tour of Iraq, and at that time the communication was so bad, so I had to write him a letter to explain that we were expecting a child, not knowing I was actually carrying two. He was over the moon when he received the letter and had to make a special request to make a phone call so he could speak to me.”
“We didn’t find out until we had our first scan that we were expecting twins, we both couldn’t believe it but were so excited. His boys really were his world and being a dad was the most important thing to him” added Tina.

Kris, Tina, Connor and Adam
Kris served with the Royal Army Medical Corps and died on 5th April 2007. Serving in the Army was all he ever wanted to do, and one of his proudest moments was teaching First Aid to the Iraqi Police Service, not long before he died. He was described by his comrades as a “committed soldier” and had worked hard to overcome a knee injury in order to be deployed to Iraq.
Kris’s death came as a shock to the whole family. Tina explained that he had not long gone back to Iraq after a period of R&R when the Warrior vehicle he was in hit an IED, killing him instantly.
Tina explained: “We’d had such a lovely time as a family in the weeks before Kris was sent back to Iraq, he spent so much time playing and taking the children to the park and just enjoyed being a dad. When the officers arrived to tell me what had happened, I couldn’t believe it, he hadn’t been gone that long, so it didn’t feel real.”
Explaining to Connor and Adam what happened to their dad was one of the most difficult things Tina has ever had to do. She said: “How do you tell a three-year-old that their daddy won’t be coming home? They were so young and didn’t really understand so I explained that daddy had gone to heaven and made sure as they grew up, I answered any questions they had about what he was like and how he died.”

Kris and Connor
Connor and Adam are now 18, and Tina commented on how they are the spitting image of their dad. Tina said: “Kris was a calm and funny man, and Connor and Adam are so much like him. The only difference being that Kris was a big Leeds United fan, and the boys are really not interested in sport at all. I hate the fact that Kris has missed out on the boys growing up, I know he would be so proud of them.”
Although they are now adults, Tina still encourages the boys to talk about their dad and tells them stories of things he used to get up to. She said: “The boys don’t really remember their dad, they were so young when he died, but we visit his grave, especially around Remembrance Day, and we talk about what he used to like and how much the boys are like him.”

Connor and Adam
A few years after their dad died, Connor and Adam joined Scotty’s Little Soldiers. The charity has been there to offer them integral support as they’ve grown up and now that they are 18, will continue to support them through the Scotty’s Springboard programme, which is for 18-25 years olds.
Tina said: “Scotty’s has been incredible. From the birthday and Christmas presents, to the grants provided to help fund school trips, they have really helped Connor and Adam over the years. Scotty’s is like one big family that we all know are there if we need to talk to anyone. They understand what we’re going through and are always at the other end of the phone.
“The Christmas parties are one of the activities the boys have enjoyed the most. They both remember their first Scotty’s Christmas party which was at Alton Towers, and how comforted they felt meeting other children who were just like them.
“Although the boys are now 18, I know they will still enjoy having Scotty’s in their lives and the feeling of togetherness the charity brings.”