Would you like to leave a gift in your will for Scotty's Little Soldiers?
If you are considering leaving a gift in your Will to support bereaved military children and young people, click here to download our Legacy pack.
In it, you will find answers to all your questions, including:
- Information on military charity, Scotty's Little Soldiers, our story and our mission.
- A breakdown of the support we provide, including messages from our Members and Springboarders.
- An easy guide for leaving a gift in your Will to Scotty's, including the wording you will need and the types of legacy gifts you can leave.
- An easy guide for making changes to your existing Will – a codicil.
- Leaving in memory gifts such as a funeral collection for your chosen charity.
Did you know?
Charitable legacies are exempt from Inheritance Tax meaning every penny of your legacy gift will go towards providing support to bereaved British Forces children and their families. We recommend you contact a solicitor, accountant or Will writing service to find out more.
Keep in touch
We completely understand that your will is a private and personal matter, but we would love to know if you have included a legacy to Scotty’s so we can say a big thank you and keep you updated about our work and news. If you have any questions or would like an informal, confidential chat about the charity or legacies, please call the Supporter Team on 0800 0928 571 or email [email protected]
Meet supporters who chose to leave a legacy to Scotty's Little Soldiers

45-year-old Lainey Hunt knows first-hand the difference Scotty’s Little Soldiers makes to bereaved military children and young people, as her 13-year-old daughter, Megan, has been a member of Scotty’s since 2018 following the death of her dad, Warrant Officer Nathan Hunt.
Lainey said: "I chose to leave Scotty’s in my will because they literally think of every way in which they can utilise the donations to benefit the Scotty's Little Soldiers members, in such great ways. Providing school grants so that they can go on fun educational trips, learn new lessons and skills, along with never forgetting a birthday or Christmas. Every gift each child receives is tailored to their personality and likes, the thought that goes into each present is heart-warming.
"Donations can put a smile on a child’s face, and this is why I have made sure Scotty's Little Soldiers will be a part of my will. I want to know that when I have passed away, other bereaved military children are benefitting from the same kind of support Megan has received, and Scotty's Little Soldiers will do this."

48-year-old Simon Whittaker served with the 2nd Royal Tank Regiment for 23 years. He lives in March, Cambridgeshire, with his wife Melloney, his daughter Abigail and his son MJ. He has fundraised for Scotty’s for several years, raising thousands for the charity.
Simon said: “Scotty’s is a charity that is very close to my heart. I served with Corporal Lee Scott for many years and know Scotty’s founder, Nikki, and her children personally, so I’ve always wanted to do what I can to support them. I want to do my bit to help put smiles back on the faces of not just Lee’s children but all children and young people who have experienced the death of a parent who served, and know through Scotty’s Little Soldiers they are getting the support they need.
"I have included Scotty’s in my will because I want to make sure that in years to come bereaved British Forces children will still be benefiting from the support provided by Scotty’s, and that we can continue putting smiles on the faces of our fallen heroes’ bereaved children.”