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Case Studies

My journey from bereaved military child to supporting Armed Forces veterans

“When Mum was pregnant with me, my dad used to call her bump ‘daddy’s little angel’, which is where my name, Angel, comes from, which I love. Even though I didn’t get to meet my dad, knowing my name comes from him means I always feel connected to him.”

Angel was born five months after her dad, Major Matthew Titchener, was killed in action while serving in Iraq. Never meeting her military dad has been difficult for Angel, now 20, but with the support of …

Bereaved military children’s Mother’s Day heroes

Mother’s Day can be a very difficult and emotional time for bereaved military children who have experienced the death of their mum. While it’s a special day for them and their family to come together and remember, it can also be a painful reminder of their loss, and it’s not uncommon for bereaved children to feel many mixed and complicated feelings.

Scotty’s Little Soldiers is a charity for bereaved military children and young people who have experienced the death of …

Bereaved military teenager’s life-changing trip to the Philippines

18-year-old Joshua Kirkham’s dad, LCpl Christopher Bradshaw, died in a road accident when Josh was just six years old. He has been supported by Scotty’s Little Soldiers, the charity for bereaved military children and young people, since 2014. Through Scotty’s Super Grant – a one-off, £1000 grant reserved for once-in-a-life-time opportunities – he recently had an unforgettable experience volunteering in the Philippines, where he spent seven weeks on the other side of the …

Remembering my military dad at Christmas

Christmas – a time for family and friends to get together, give gifts and have fun. It’s what we’re told everywhere we look, whether it’s on TV, down the high street or even just in casual conversation. For those days and weeks leading up to the end of the year, Christmas is almost impossible to avoid.

For many, the run-up to the 25th of December is a time of celebration, but for bereaved military children and young people, it can be a very emotional period. When the …

Remembering my military dad who was killed in action

14-year-old bereaved military child Lennon Palin was just one when his dad, Cpl Mark Palin, was killed in action while serving in Afghanistan. His younger sister, Ruby, had not yet been born at the time he died and never got to meet her dad. Here, Lennon shares how he likes to remember his dad and how support from Scotty's Little Soldiers, the charity for bereaved British Forces children, continues to help him during emotional and challenging times.

Why I want people to always remember my Army dad

12-year-old Logan Prior’s dad, PTE Daniel Prior, was fatally wounded while serving in Afghanistan in 2011. Logan, who had only been born the previous month, has had to grow up without his dad by his side – something that has become more impactful with every passing year. Here, Logan shares what what remembering his hero means to British Forces children like him, and how bereaved military children’s charity Scotty’s Little Soldiers have helped support him since he was just a …

Remembering my hero Navy daddy

Eight-year-old Isabelle Bovington was only two weeks away from her first birthday when her dad, Leading Naval Nurse Thomas Bovington, died very suddenly of a genetic heart condition. This year, Isabelle will be the youngest person taking part in the National Service of Remembrance with Scotty’s and wants to share what life is like for her and her sister, nine-year old Elizabeth, and how support from bereaved British Forces children’s charity Scotty’s Little Soldiers’ support helps …

Honouring my soldier dad who died by suicide

13-year-old bereaved military child Austen Hargreaves was just seven when his dad, SSgt Christopher Hargreaves, died by suicide. Here, Austen shares what it's been like for him and his younger brother, Cooper, to grow up without their dad and how support from military charity Scotty’s Little Soldiers continues to help them both on their grieving journey.